Gap Greek, The Story of a Marriage written
by Robert Morgan, United States writer and poet.. This
novel was published by Algonquin Books in 1999. It was selected for the
Southern Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction for 2000, and was chosen as
Notable Book by the New York Times. Gap Creek was a selection of the Oprah Book
Club and a New York Times bestseller. It was chosen by the Appalachian Writers
Association as Book of the Year for 2000.
There is a most unusual
woman living in Gap Greek. Julie Harmon works hard, "hard as a man,"
they say, so hard that times she's not sure she can stop. She is the one who
has to be strong when first her brother and then her father die. People depend
on her. They need her to slaughter the hogs and cut the wood. People are weak,
and there is so much to do.
Though she is just a
teenager, she marries Hank and moves with him down from the high country to Gap
Creek. There they discover that life grinds ever on without pause or concern
for hard work. Scratching out an existence for themselves, always at risk of
losing it all, Julie and Hank don't know what to fear the most - floods, or the
flesh-and-blood grifters who insinuate themselves into their new lives. Their
struggles with nature, with work, and with the disappointments and triumphs of
marriage make this a powerful story.
Seperti dijelaskan pada
paragraf awal, novel ini diterbitkan pertama kali oleh Algonquin Books pada
1999. Scribner Paperback Fiction (Simon & Schuster) di New York, Amerika
Serikat, menerbitkan pertama kali edisi paperbacknya pada 2001. Buku yang kami
jual ini merupakan cetakan pertama edisi paperback tersebut.
Judul: Gap Greek, The Story of a Marriage
Penulis: Robert Morgan
Bahasa: Inggris
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: xiv + 337 Halaman
Dimensi: 10,5 x 17 Cm
Penerbit: Scribner Paperback
Fiction (Simon & Schuster), New York
Tahun: Cetakan Pertama, 2001
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Stiker
barcode di cover depan. Kertas kecokelatan.)
Harga: Rp39.000
Stok: 1
Semua buku yang kami jual
merupakan buku original, termasuk buku ini.
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