Kaheesh's novel was written
by Nathan Butler, one of the pseudonyms of Gerald Allan "Jerry" Sohl Sr. The novel tells Kaheesh, an old holy man who was made a god by
Greg and Nancy Howard were
having fun on vacation in California, until they suddenly encountered the old
holy man meditating among the ruins of an old mansion.
Greg became spellbound. All
at once the old man became his god. He could do no wrong He even invited him to
stay with them Nancy knew the man was evil That he meant them no good. But what
did he want with them? And why them?
By now the stranger,
Kaheesh, had anticipated their every move, knew their every thought. But the
thing that disturbed Nancy most was the look of pure unadulterated lust in the
stranger's eyes She was totally shocked at her own erotic response to that
look. It was as if she had suddenly become someone else....
Edisi pertama buku ini diterbitkan
Ballantine Books (Random House Publishing Group) di New York, Amerika Serikat, pada
Desember 1983. Buku yang kami jual ini merupakan edisi pertama tersebut.
Judul: Kaheesh
Penulis: Nathan Butler
Bahasa: Inggris
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: iv + 219 Halaman
Dimensi: 10,5 x 17,5 Cm
Penerbit: Ballantine Books (Random
House Publishing Group), New York
Tahun: Cetakan Pertama, 1983
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Tulisan
tangan dan stempel di halaman i. Bercak-bercak kehitaman di sisi luar buku. Kertas
Harga: Rp24.000
Stok: 1
Semua buku yang kami jual
merupakan buku original, termasuk buku ini.
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