Used book Top of the World by Hans Ruesch is a novel about the lives of Inuits living close to the North
Pole. The narrative describes the lives of these people in great detail,
including their religious beliefs, hunting and living methods, diet, social
customs, etc. However, Ruesch manages to do this while presenting characters
that are interesting as people, and telling a story that's quite interesting,
as well. I read this book very quickly, because I got involved almost
immediately and stayed that way throughout.
This novel tells a rousing
story of adventure, danger and courage in a land where the nights are six
months long, where thirty degrees below freezing is considered a warm day,
where gigantic bears outnumber human beings and where the moral customs are
often exactly opposite to our own. Top of
the World reveals their primitive social and sexual customs, their
religious beliefs and practices, their strange eating habits and their constant
but happy struggle for life.
Novel ini pertama kali
diterbitkan Harper pada Februari 1950. Fermabooks, New York, Amerika Serikat,
menerbitkannya pertama kali pada September 1959. Buku bekas yang kami jual ini
merupakan cetakan pertama terbitan Fermabooks tersebut.
Judul: Top of the World
Penulis: Hans Ruesch
Bahasa: Inggris
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: viii + 200 Halaman
Dimensi: 10,5 x 16,5 Cm
Penerbit: Permabooks, New
Tahun: 1959
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Sedikit
terkelupas di sisi cover dan punggung buku. Kertas kecokelatan.)
Harga: Rp114.000
Stok: 1
Semua buku yang kami jual
merupakan buku original, termasuk buku ini.
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