Sir Ambrose Abercrombie visits housemates Dennis Barlow and Sir Francis Hinsley to express his concern about Barlow's new job and how it reflects on the British enclave in Hollywood, which is also taken as an announcement of Barlow's impending exclusion from British society. Barlow reports to his job at the Happier Hunting Ground, a pet cemetery and funeral service, and picks up a couple's dead Sealyham Terrier.
Because of the difficulty he is having rebranding actress Juanita del Pablo as an Irish starlet, Hinsley is sent to work from home. After his secretary stops showing up, he ventures to Megalopolitan Studios and finds a man named Lorenzo Medici in his office. After working his way through the bureaucracy he finds he has been unceremoniously fired. In the next scene, Abercrombie and other British expatriates are discussing Hinsley's suicide and the funeral arrangements.
Barlow visits Whispering Glades seeking inspiration for Hinsley's funeral ode. While touring a British-themed section of the cemetery, he meets Thanatogenos and begins his courtship of her when she learns he is a poet.
Six weeks later, Thanatogenos is torn between her very different affections for Barlow and Joyboy. She writes to the advice columnist "The Guru Brahmin" for advice. Joyboy invites her over for dinner and she meets his mother.
Novel ini diterbitkan pertama kali oleh Dell Books pada April 1954. Pada November 1957, terbit cetakan keduanya. Buku bekas yang kami jual ini merupakan cetakan kedua tersebut.
Judul: The Loved One
Penulis: Evelyn Waugh
Bahasa: Inggris
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: 192 Halaman
Dimensi: 11 x 16 Cm
Penerbit: Dell Book, New York
Tahun: Cetakan Kedua, 1957
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Sedikit sobek di sisi kiri bawah bekas lipatan di cover belakang. Kertas kecokelatan.)
Harga: (TERJUAL)
Stok: 0
Semua buku yang kami jual merupakan buku original, termasuk buku ini.
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