This is the story of the
most secret male club in London, England. The
Club by Sharon Page combines romance and erotic sensation.
It is London’s most
secretive gentlemen’s club—a place where no well-bred lady would dare to be
seen. But Lady Jane Beaumont has no choice. Her friend Del has vanished, and
Jane must enter into a dangerous charade to find her.
Now, within the gilded walls
of this erotic lair, Jane awaits the lover she has procured for the evening.
But the man who enters her bedchamber is no stranger. He is Del’s brother and
London’s most notorious rake—a man on a rescue mission of his own.
Christian is intrigued by
the innocent beauty who clearly does not belong in the notorious brothel. And
as the two seek out the damning secrets of the club…as Christian initiates Jane
into the ways of true sensual pleasure, she knows she has entered the most
dangerous place of all—where the price of temptation could be her heart…
Buku ini diterbitkan pertama
kali oleh Dell Book (Bantam Dell) di New York, Amerika Serikat, pada Maret 2009.
Buku yang kami jual ini merupakan cetakan pertama tersebut.
Judul: The Club
Penulis: Sharon Page
Bahasa: Inggris
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: iv + 409 Halaman
Dimensi: 10,5 x 17 Cm
Penerbit: Dell Book (Bantam
Dell), New York
Tahun: Cetakan Pertama, 2009
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Bercak-bercak
kecokelatan karena termakan usia di balik cover, beberapa lembar pertama dan
terakhir, serta sisi luar buku. Sedikit bekas tertekan di sisi tengah atas
cover belakang. Margin kertas dan sisi luar buku kecokelatan.)
Harga: Rp46.000
Stok: 1
Semua buku yang kami jual
merupakan buku original, termasuk buku ini.
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